Due to the deeply rooted racial prejudice, the influx of Asian refugees, the impact of Asian economy on the anti-Asian sentiment and the misleading of the “Model Minority" thesis, Asian Americans are psychically li.
尽管相当一部分亚裔美国人在经济上融入美国中产阶级、意识形态上认同美国的社会制度和核心价值观 ,可是根深蒂固的种族偏见、80年代涌入美国的亚洲难民潮、美国与亚洲的经贸关系以及美国媒体关于亚裔人的舆论导向 ,均使亚裔美国人的精神生活处于一种两难境地 :名义上他们是美国公民 ,实际上是自己国家里的外国人 ,被隔绝在主流社会之外。
The analysis of interaction between race and culture;
Diversity Analysis and Racial Classification of Maize Landraces in China;
Methods ER genotyping was performed in 448 healthy people by PCR-RFLP and compared the distribution of genotype in Chongqing with different areas and races.
The increasing of immigration in the world made different race and ethnicity live together and contradictions and conflicts m.
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