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primary sensory area是什么意思



1)primary sensory area,主要感觉域2)primary sensory cortex,主要感觉皮质3)The primary sense,主要知觉4)the sensory thresholds,感觉域限5)subjective feeling,主观感觉6)sensualism,感觉主义


    He emphasized the subjective feeling, stressed the unique feeling, intuition impression of lyrical subject on the objective object, created fresh, unique and even the out-of-shape aesthetic image and image association and gave the readers brand-new artistic experience.

    杜诗在审美意象营造上最重要的创变是改变盛唐诗歌意象通常呈现的诗人主观情意与客观物象和谐平衡的形态 ,重主观感觉 ,突出抒情主体对客观物象的独特感觉、直觉印象、情感意态 ,创造出新鲜、独特乃至变形的审美意象和意象组合 ,给人以全新的艺术感受。

    Although Feuerbach s theory of sensibility plays an important role in overthrowing Hegel s speculative metaphysics, it has serious inner defects: the undue sensualism which results in poor grasping the general essence of things and the rational essence of sensible human, lack of subjective activity on human and the idealism in the field of society and history.


    As the legislative value text and explanation of consumer society,its ethics mainly embodies as Sensualism expression of cultural experience,Hedonism idol of culture aesthetics,Utilitarianism demand of life practice.


    Pattern of Sense Transfer--"The Primary Sense" and "The Secondary Sense;


    "audile: Capable of learning chiefly from auditory, rather than tactile or visual, stimuli. "

    听象型的 可以主要通过听觉感知,而非通过触觉或视觉,刺激。

    Capable of learning chiefly from auditory, rather than tactile or visual, stimuli.


    The primary purpose of meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar with, our inner life.


    The Subject of Internal Perception and Object of External Perception:On the Dichotomy of Perception


    perceptional intuitionalism

    知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说

    hallucination of perception

    知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉

    Dogs hunt mainly by listening and sniffing.


    It is my conviction that people here do not take the Chinese language seriously enough. The main reason is that they don't know why to learn Chinese. There is a lack of motivation to do so.


    one whose mental imagery is auditory rather than visual or motor.


    The theory that external objects of perception are immediately known to be real by intuition.


    A feeling or an intuition of what is going to occur; a presentiment.


    Can One Feel Visual Emotion Without Attention and Consciousness?The Confused Finding and Its Origins;


    You know, she can't be all bad if she wants to help the Cause. Do you think I'm bad to feel that way?"


    As the vehicle of Lord Ganesha, a mouse teaches us to remain always on alert and illuminate our inner-self with the light of knowledge.


    The mistake districts of interpersonal perception that people often meet include vignetteing effect,angular impression,recency effect,projection inclination and logic inference by experience effect,etc.


    the doctrine that knowledge is acquired primarily by intuition.


    Be careful not to slide into a bad habit.


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