This paper analyzes the process of listening comprehension from the point of view of cognitive science and believes that the process of listening comprehension involves interaction of bottom-up processing and top-down processing, which proves the importance of pre-listening teaching.
从认知学角度出发分析了听力理解过程,认为听力理解过程包含相互联系的自下而上加工和自上而下加 工,由此阐述了听前教学的必要性,认为听前教学是一个知识补足过程,结合实例介绍培养学生自下而上和自上而 下的听力加工能力过程中可以采用的方法。
Adaptive assembly modeling in bottom-up product design;
In order to get deeper understanding to it and help remove the obstacles in listening comprehension procedures,this paper mainly discusses the harmonious application of bottom-up theory and top-down theory in listening comprehension and its effect in improving the students listening level.
This paper selects some residential areas construction of specific historic period and dynasty,inspects the transformation of ancient Chinese living pattern,and evaluates the evolutional reasons of residential rules and patterns from two aspects of "bottom-up" and "top-down".
Decoding the reduced forms is something we have to confront in the bottom-up process of listening comprehension.
With the media player program as an illustration,a step-by-step,bottom-up approach to singlechip programming was introduced.
In making political restructuring,China often follows two models:“from top to bottom”and “from bottom to top”.
我国政治体制改革通常有由上而下和自下而上两种不同的模式 ,两种模式各有优势与不足。
Based on schema theory,this paper analyzes the interaction between "bottom-up processing "and "top-down processing" and also discusses the application of schema theory in listening comprehension procedure from the aspect of cognitive psychology.
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