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variance of configuration是什么意思



1)variance of configuration,组态方差2)mean-variance portfolio selection,动态均值-方差投资组合3)variance components,方差组分4)variance component,方差组分5)variance inside group,组内方差6)variance component,方差组成


    In this article, by exploiting flanking markers through the widely applied half-sib design, we have developed the structures of three variance components, i.


    The variance component analysis revealed that the ratios of additive genetic variance to phenotypic variance of the majority of economi.

    进一步的方差组分估计表明 ,主要经济性状的加性遗传方差较大。

    The mathematical model of variance component of Generation F 2 is put forward in condition of existing M linkage groups.

    提出了有M个连锁群时 ,F2 代方差组成的数学模式 ;以果蝇为材料 ,研究了F2 其腹部刚毛数量遗传方差的组成 ,对其进行了分解 ,获得了第二染色体遗传方差VⅡG、第三染色体遗传方差VⅢG、以及雌性X染色体遗传方差VX♀ (G) 和雄性X染色体遗传方差VX♂ (G) 。

    The variance component of cross and backcross generations of quantitative character controlled by multigenes is studied on condition of chromosome translocation.

    研究了染色体易位情况下 ,多基因控制的数量性状杂交及回交世代的方差组成。

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