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left hand dominance是什么意思



1)left hand dominance,左手优势2)lefthand dominance,左手优势3)left hand advantage effect,左手优势效应4)left hand,左手5)LH;left hand,左手6)bridle hand,左手7)shield hand,左手8)shield-hand,左手9)LH = left hand,左手10)left-handed materials,左手材料


    This article aims to study left hand advantage effect in Chinese face recognition by exposing subjects with original and morphed photos of self and non-self.


    In some theoretical articles, most study emphases are put on the relation between the right hand working and the timbre, but study of the influence of the left hand on the timbre in violin playing is very rare.

    在过去的理论著作中 ,大多重视右手运弓与音质音色关系的研究 ,而关于左手对音质音色影响的研究涉及甚少。

    Advances and characters of left-handed materials;


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