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q number是什么意思

中文翻译q 数


1)q number,q 数2)q-numbers,q数3)q)-number,q)-数4)Q wave,Q波参数5)Q-parameterization,Q参数化6)Q function,Q函数7)q)-labeling number,q)-标号数8)Q-function,Q函数9)q-binomial coefficient,q-组合数10)Q-function,Q-函数


    Objective:To assess normal criteria for Q wave and limits of Q wave measurements.

    目的 :调查中国健康人群 12导联心电图Q波参数的正常范围 ,评估传统的Q波标准。

    Derivation of Q function for a squeezed state from its original definition;


    In the paper,the theory of this method and the selection of the Q function was introduced.


    In this paper,we study the convergence of Hilbert-valued Dμ,q function on the unit ball by Rademacher function system and get the Lipschitz condition of Hilbert-valued Dμ,q function,iff(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ xnzn ∈ Dμ,q,q > (2n)/μ ,we get φ(z)=sum from α≥0 to ∞ ⅡxαⅡzα ∈Lipγ,where 0<μ<1 if n=1 or 0<μ<2 if n>1.

    主要研究了单位圆盘上Hilbert值Dμ,q函数,得到了Hilbert值Dμ,q函数的Lipschitz条件,若f(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ xnzn∈Dμ,q,0<μ<1,q>(2n)/μ,则有φ(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ⅡxnⅡzn∈Lipγ。

    Based on Q-function introduced by Zhu & Lee(2001),this paper proposes some case- deletion measures for assessing the influence of an observation in exponential family nonlinear mixed models.


    We replace the observable-data log-likelihood function with Q-function.


    We discuss the convergence of Q-functions of the truncated matrices of q-matrix.


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