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1)photoluminescence,布洛赫方程2)optical Bloch equation,光学布洛赫方程3)Maxwell-Bloch equations,麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程组4)Maxwell-Bloch equations,麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程5)Maxwell-Bloch equations,麦克斯韦布洛赫方程6)semiconductor Bloch equation,半导体布洛赫方程


    By combining,the field- susceptibility formalism with the optical Bloch equations method,we derive the density ma- trix elements and their emitting signal intensity for the computation of the energy transfer between two quantum dots excited by optical near fields and placed in a complex geometry.


    The spectrum evolution of the femtosecond laser pulse in a three-level organic molecular medium(4,4 -bis(dimethylamino) stilbene) is studied theoretically by solving the Maxwell-Bloch equations using an iterative predictorcorrector finite-difference time-domain method.


    We study the interaction between the ultra-short laser pulses and the one-dimensional symmetrical π conjugated molecular material (4,4′-bis (dimethylamino) stilbene) by solving Maxwell-Bloch equations.


    To study the evolution of femtosecond(fs) laser pulse in a long-distance two-level medium,the Maxwell-Bloch equations of 5 fs carrier interaeting with two-level medium are numerically solved with use of finite-difference time domain procedure.

    为研究飞秒脉冲在共振二能级原子介质中传播较长距离时的演化规律,用时域有限差分的方法数值模拟了5 fs脉冲载波与共振介质相互作用的麦克斯韦布洛赫方程

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