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debye waller factor是什么意思

中文翻译德拜 瓦勒因数


1)debye waller factor,德拜 瓦勒因数2)Debye-Waller factor,德拜-瓦勒因数3)Debye,德拜4)Debye temperature,德拜温度5)Debye model,德拜模型6)Debye relaxation,德拜弛豫7)Debye concept,德拜概念8)Debye sheath,德拜鞘层9)Debye formula,德拜公式10)Debye equation,德拜方程


    Debye s research on polycrystalline X-ray diffraction;


    Lattice energy and debye temperature for A~NB~(8-N);


    The relation between atom reciprocal potential and crystal Debye temperature is studied;with a view to atom sinusoidal vibration,Grüneisen parameter variety rule with temperature is got;taking crystal In as a case,the Debye temperature variety rule of crystal with temperatre is studied.


    That the crystal's Debye temperature varies with the thange of the temperature;under such relation the forms of the crystal's thermodynamic function are obtained; and on the basis of that the Debye temperature of In and the rule of thermal capasity under a certain fixed pressure which changes with the change of the temperature have been studied.


    However,based on the Debye model,the results are in good agreement with the experiment,not only in high but also in low temperature.


    This paper has presented the thermodynamics action of crystal based on the Debye model.


    There main analyzes the reason of the metal solid heat capacity is not same and experiment conclusion by studies the Debye model.


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