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phase transition of the second kind是什么意思



1)phase transition of the second kind,第二类相变2)phase transition of the first kind,第一类相变3)second entropy invariants,第二类熵不变式4)gauge transformation of the second kind,第二类规范变换5)second kind of modified Bessel function of order zero,第二类变型Bessel函数6)variational inequality of the second kind,第二类变分不等式


    The proof of the second entropy invariants of Lorenz map;


    The second kind of modified Bessel function of order zero is the solutions of many problems in engineering.

     第二类变型Bessel函数Kn(z)在自变量趋于无穷时就是指数变小的,使用多项式逼近的方法求解往往误差很大· 采用指数变换和J。

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