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gamow teller transition是什么意思

中文翻译伽莫夫 特勒跃迁


1)gamow teller transition,伽莫夫 特勒跃迁2)Gamow number,伽莫夫数3)Gamov,伽莫夫4)George Gamow,乔治·伽莫夫5)Gamow barrier radius,伽莫夫势垒半径6)gamow teller transition,伽莫夫 泰勒跃迁7)Gamow-Teller strength distribution,伽莫夫-泰勒强度分布8)Gamow-Teller selection rules,伽莫夫—特勒选择定则9)GT selection rules,伽莫夫—特勒选择法10)gamow teller selection rule,伽莫夫 特勒选择定则


    Gamov(1904-1968)in this field has been neglected.


    As one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, George Gamow made notable contributions to many fields of science in his life time.

    乔治·伽莫夫是 2 0世纪最有影响的科学家之一 ,他在众多的科学领域作出过开拓性的贡献 。

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