In this paper, the effect of magnetic impurities and non-magnetic impurities on the structure phase transition of the high-Tc superconductors is stuolied The results obtaioned are in qualitatively agreement with the experiments.
Element-Replacing Effect is the key path for the research of the changes of high-temperature oxide superconductors, and in the-interactions between/among macromattersIt is also a key means to obtain high-temperature superconductive oxdies.
Doping effects of high-Tc superconductor for copper oxides;
Development and research orientation of high temperature superconductor;
General characteristics of crystal structures of high temperature superconductors are introduced.
阐述了铜氧化物高温超导体的晶体结构 ,指出导电区、蓄电区的划分和电子相图是铜氧化物高温超导体重要的共性特征 。
To analyze the flux pinning in high temperature superconductors (HTS) more accurately at high temperature such as 77K, an improved method based on Dew Hughes model has been developed.
为了更准确地分析高温超导体在高温如液氮温区的磁通钉扎机制 ,基于Dew Hughes模型 ,对传统的钉扎力标度方法进行了改进 ,发展了钉扎力密度的多源分析方法 。
We study experimentally and numerically the measurement of criticul current for high temperature superconductors.
A brief introduction to the development of flux dynamics and the vortex phase diagram of high temperature superconductors over the past decade is presented.
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