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high-velocity stars是什么意思



1)high-velocity stars,高速星2)High-speed,高速3)high speed,高速4)hi-speed,高速5)high velocity,高速6)Highspeed,高速


    Structure and Performance Characteristics of High-speed Random Type Nonwovens Carding Machine;


    The Control Factor Analysis of High-speed BOPP Speciality Quality Index;


    Application of Autoleveler Technology in High-speed Drawing Frame(The first Part);


    Mathematical Model Research of Close-loop Servo Feed System Based on CNC High Speed External Cylindrical Grinding Machines;


    Research on Ceramic Bearing for High Speed CNC Machine Spindle;


    Implementation and development of high speed high precision control for CNC machine tools;


    Suggestion is put forth regarding the production of hi-speed spindles.


    Considering the fact that the conventional domestic rings is of poor anti-abrasion,short service life,fail to cater the hi-speed operation over 20 kr/min,research and development is done to the rings gaseous deposition hi-parity chrome rings.

    针对国产钢领不耐磨、寿命短,不能适应20 kr/min以上高速现状,在研究国外名牌钢领的基础上,研制开发了超高硬度的气相沉积高纯铬钢领,试验指出高含铬、高硬度钢领可适应高速纺纱,寿命达5 a以上。

    In the present study,using genetic algorithms and radius basis function neural network(GARBF),prediction modeling of friction behavior was established based on a measured database for DRA composites under high velocity and dry sliding condition.

    对4种S iC颗粒增强铝基复合材料在5种速度和4种压力条件下进行了销-盘摩擦磨损试验,运用遗传神经网络技术建立了铝基复合材料在高速干滑动过程中的摩擦行为预报模型,并用该模型对铝基复合材料进行预报。

    Based on the boundary layer theory, the numerical calculation is used to study the aerodynamic heat of the high velocity rocket.


    This paper presents a new gas well testing analysis method considering gas well producing at constant pressure in infinite gas reservoir accounting for high velocity non-Darcy flow ef.


    A Study on Highspeed Catenary Pantograph System;


    Introduce the highspeed and realtime data acquiring system, emphesis is introducing the software design of the data acquiring syste

    介绍了一种高速、实时的数据采集系统 ,重点介绍了该数据采集系统的软件设计。

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