This paper describes the quality control system used in the mass production of HERA B outer tracker, at Beijing, China.
介绍了与德国 DESY合作进行的 HERA- B探测器外径迹室制作过程中所使用的质量控制方法及设备 ,主要目的是监测并控制阳极丝与阴极之间的高压漏电流和丝的机械张力 ,以保证径迹室探测器的物理性
Honeycomb style module of drift chambers produced for tracking high energy particles was described.
Using the reaction between 7Li ion beam and hydrogen of wheat and the detection of 7Be, the track of 7Li ion beam in wheat is studied.
本工作利用串列加速器提供的 7Li离子束与生物体中 H原子发生内靶核反应 ,根据核反应产物 7Be的可探测性和可示踪性 ,研究了 7L i离子束注入小麦籽粒的径迹。
Based on independence measurement and principle of square sum for the Uncertainties,a method named“track by track comparison method”is established.
How he began from the researching of the law of drop s forming,improved his experimental apparatus continuously,photographed the tracks of charged particles and provided experimental conformation of the Compton effect are reviewed.
Fission track study on the metallogenetic age of Xiayingfang gold deposit in eastern Hebei;
Fission track etching condition of tourmaline;
Fission track dating and thermal history of Habahe rock body in Altai;
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