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Landau engener level是什么意思



1)Landau engener level,朗道能级2)Landau level density of states,朗道能级态密度3)landau theory,朗道理论4)RIQAS(Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme),朗道质评5)Landau damping,朗道阻尼6)Landau parameter,朗道参数


    Based on a method of operator and an analysis of Landau engener level, this paper obtains the characteristics of 2D electron gas.

    应用算符的方法及通过朗道能级的分析 ,得出了二维电子气的能级特性 ,由此通过态密度、简并度的讨论 ,研究了半导体超晶格量子阱的原理及其广泛的应用。

    On the basis of Landau theory, the free energy of boracites is regarded as the function of the three components p1, p2, p3 of the spontaneous polarization.


    The Numerical Study of Dispersion Relationship and Landau Damping of Longitudinal Relativistic Plasmons;


    It was observed in machine study that,Landau damping caused by the octupole field can suppress the beam collective instabilities.


    The landau damping rate is obtained by solving the dispersion equation of relativistic longitudinal plasmons with the sub-light-velocity numerically.


    The related physical quantities such as the Landau parameters G 0 in spin channel and G′ 0 in spin-isospin channel, have been calculated.

    在Brueckner Hartree Fock理论框架内 ,研究了自旋极化核物质的状态方程及其自旋依赖性 ,计算了相关的物理量如朗道参数G0 和G′0 ,并着重讨论了三体核力的影响 。

    The related physical quantities such as spin-symmetry energy, magnetic susceptibility and the Landau parameter G0 in spin channel, have been extracted.


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