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russell saunders coupling是什么意思

中文翻译罗素 桑德斯耦合


1)russell saunders coupling,罗素 桑德斯耦合2)Russel-Saunders coupling,罗素C桑德斯耦合3)Bertrand Russell,罗素4)Russell,罗素5)Russell's paradox,罗素悖论6)zincpolyanemine,暗罗素7)Russell proposition,罗素命题8)Phi losophy of Bertrand Russell,罗素哲学9)rosuvastatin,罗素他汀10)zinc polyanemine,暗罗素


    Bertrand Russell s Illuminating Ideas on Pace;


    Yang Duanliu and Bertrand Russell——Beginning with Russel s Lectures in Changsha;


    As a famous philosopher and mathematician in the world,Bertrand Russell s thoughts on education have their particularities.


    Meaning,atom and simplicity——The ideal language by Russell and the significance;


    "Current French King": "a Description "or" a Proper Name"?——the understanding to Russell s division of " the description " and " the proper name ";


    The author of this paper thinks it necessary to discuss the" Unified Scheme of Paradox " and the method of paradox analysis,and put forwards methods of analysis into the cause of Richard′s paradox and Russell′s paradox.


    The results indicated that the zincpolyanemine was well inhibition of Plasmodium berghei in mice.

    )的根中分离出暗罗素 ( zincpolyanemine)为植物中首次分得含巯基氧化吡啶的锌化合物。

    AIMS: To investigate the allele frequence of NTCP 800C>T inChinese healthy Han population, and then determine the influence ofNTCP 800C>T polymorphism on pharmacokinetics of rosuvastatin inChinese healthy males.

    目的:测定不同NTCP 800C>T等位基因在中国汉族健康人群中的发生频率,同时在健康男性体内研究NTCP C800>T基因多态性对罗素他汀药代动力学的影响。

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