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slowing-down power是什么意思



1)slowing-down power,慢化本领2)slowing down,慢化3)moberation,慢化4)undermoderation,慢化不足(欠慢化)5)Moderator material,慢化材料6)Moderator,慢化剂


    The slowing down in optical bistability;


    Studying two kinds of the slowing down in the bistability chemical reaction system,the one is the critical slowing down at the edges of bistable region and its bifurcation;the other is the slowing down,which is far from the critical point.

    对具有双稳性的化学反应中的慢化现象进行了研究 ,指出了两类临界点附近的慢化现象 (即所谓的临界慢化 ) ,计算出了它们的临界慢化指数 ,发现这两类临界指数与混沌运动中的切分叉点及倍周期分叉点相一致 。

    Two kinks of the slowing down in the optical tristability systems are studied.


    The optimum neutron activation analysis system is designed by using Monte-Carlo simulation for 6 kinds of moderator materials,and the optimum moderator material(is polyethylene.


    An on-line prompt gamma neutron activation analysis(PGNAA) system was designed by using Monte-Carlo simulation for the thickness of different moderator materials(heavy water,paraffin wax,polyethylene,etc.


    Numerical Study of Advanced CANDU Reactor Moderator Fluid Field and Temperature Field;


    Research on Heat Removal Capability for Passive Moderator Residual Heat Removal System of TACR-1000 when Station Black-Out Accident;


    Moderators work at temperature between 650℃ and 750℃ in space piles, in this case, zirconium hydride (atom ratio of H/Zr >1.

    在空间堆中,慢化剂的工作温度范围为650~750℃,而在此温度下,H Zr原子比大于1。

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